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Qt Creator


Install components from distro package manager (e.g.: qt5-tools and qtcreator on Arch) and missing components (like Android qmake and other stuff) from the Maintenance Tool (avoid on Arch to use AUR packages that can lead to problems and need too much time to update/build):

  • For updates add a user defined repository by clicking Configurations on the bottom left button if needed or just skip if a first time installation.
  • Optionally select Qt source files, Purchasing and/or stuff not included in the distro for the version in use.

Be sure about the path since if it will be installed in the wrong directory, at least ATM (2018/12/13), it is not possible to move it without repeat the installation.

E.g.: $HOME/Documents/Development/Qt/Toolchain/N.NN.N

See the Android page for how to install and configure the Android toolchain.


Options Build & Run

Menu Tools -> Options -> General (or Build & Run, depending on the QtCreator version ) * Project directory: E.g. $HOME/Documents/Development/Qt/Projects * Default build directory: %{CurrentProject:Path}/build/%{Debugger:Abi}-%{CurrentBuild:Type}

E.g.: $HOME/Documents/Development/Qt/Projects/MyProject/build/x86-linux-generic-elf-64bit-debug

Build Settings - Linux

  • No Shadow Build to avoid Qt Designer to not update the GUI/cache stuff.
  • Delete all predefined steps and add 2 custom steps for qmake and make clean as following

Custom Build Step

  • Command: qmake
  • Arguments: %{CurrentProject:FilePath} -spec linux-g++ CONFIG+=debug && make
  • Working Directory: %{CurrentProject:Path}/build/%{Debugger:Abi}-%{CurrentBuild:Type}

Custom Clean Step

  • Command: make
  • Arguments: clean
  • Working Directory: %{CurrentProject:Path}/build/%{Debugger:Abi}-%{CurrentBuild:Type}

Run Settings - Linux

Custom Executable

  • Executable: \<name of the executable> (%{CurrentRun:Executable:FileName} doesn't work ATM)
  • Command line arguments: \<application dependent>
  • Working Directory: %{CurrentProject:Path}/build/%{Debugger:Abi}-%{CurrentBuild:Type}

Build Settings - Android

  • Let Shadow Build enabled (The build directory from Build & Run options above will be used by default.)
  • Leave default options
  • Build Android APK -> Select the appropriate SDK version -> Create templates -> Uncheck "Copy gradle files" -> Click Finish -> edit the resulting XML (This as one time configuration)