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Another pipe menu for recursive directory listing. I tried to keep the code as simple and short as possible. It uses Perl's <File::Find> to get the directories and files in the current directory and lists them in alphabetic order while making each directory a submenu. It escapes special characters and prints the underscore correctly (unlike obbrowser).

You can adjust options such as starting directory, show hidden files, show '..', show bookmarks (can handle any URL, not just local files) and bookmark file location.


# Openbox menu to recursively list directories and files.
use File::Basename;
use File::Find::Rule;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use File::Spec::Functions qw/ catdir catfile /;
use warnings;
use strict;

sub say { print "$_\n" for @_; }
sub print_browse;
sub print_bookmarks;
sub item;
sub menu;
sub fix_html (\$);

########################################## CONFIGURATION #########################################

# set default starting directory
my $base_dir = '/';
# true to show hidden files and directories
my $show_hidden = 1;
# true to show ..
my $show_up = 0;
# true to show gtk bookmarks at the top of the root menu
my $show_bookmarks = 1;
# file from which to read bookmarks
my $gtk_bookmarks_file = "$ENV{HOME}/.gtk-bookmarks";
# show 'Open in browser' entry
my $browse = 1;


# path to this script needed because it calls itself to list subdirectories
my $path = abs_path $0;
# when listing subdirectories, set the starting dir accordingly
$base_dir = abs_path $ARGV[0] if $ARGV[0];

say "<openbox_pipe_menu>";
print_browse if $browse;
print_bookmarks if $show_bookmarks && ! $ARGV[0];

if ( $show_up && $base_dir ne '/' ) {
  # replace some special characters by their html codes
  my $parent = dirname $base_dir;
  fix_html $parent;
  menu "$parent/", '..', $parent;

for ( sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } File::Find::Rule
      ->maxdepth( 1 )
      ->name( $show_hidden ? qr/.*/ : qr/^[^.].*/ )
      ->in( $base_dir )) {
  # replace some special characters by their html codes
  my $dir = catdir($base_dir, $_);
  fix_html $dir;
  fix_html $_;
  # replace the underscore with a double underscore in the label to
  # prevent openbox from interpreting it as a keyboard accelerator
  $_ =~ s/_/__/g;
  # escape special characters in bash
  $dir =~ s/(\ |'|`|!|\^|&amp|\*|\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|&#..)/\\$1/g;
  menu $dir, $_, $dir;

for ( sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } File::Find::Rule
      ->maxdepth( 1 )
      ->name( $show_hidden ? qr/.*/ : qr/^[^.].*/ )
      ->in( $base_dir )) {
  # replace some special characters by their html codes
  my $file = catfile($base_dir, $_);
  fix_html $file;
  fix_html $_;
  # replace the underscore with a double underscore in the label to
  # prevent openbox from interpreting it as a keyboard accelerator
  $_ =~ s/_/__/g;
  # escape special characters in bash
  $file =~ s/(\ |'|`|!|\^|&amp|\*|\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|&#..)/\\$1/g;
  item $_, $file;

say "</openbox_pipe_menu>";
exit 0;

########################################### SUBROUTINES ##########################################

sub print_browse {
  my $dir = shift || $base_dir;
  # replace some special characters by their html codes
  fix_html $dir;
  # escape special characters in bash
  $dir =~ s/(\ |'|`|!|\^|&amp|\*|\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|&#..)/\\$1/g;
  item "Open in browser", $dir;
  say "<separator />";

sub print_bookmarks {
  open GTK_BKM, '<', $gtk_bookmarks_file or die "No such file $gtk_bookmarks_file\n";
  while ( <GTK_BKM> ) {
    $_ =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;   # remove leading and trailing spaces
    next unless $_;     # ignore empty lines

    # cannot have spaces in filenames, even if they are escaped
    my ($bookmark, $label) = ( $_ =~ m/^([^ ]+)(?:\ (.*)|$)/g );
    ## if no label was given take the base name for files
    ( $label ) = $bookmark =~ m|[^/]+$|g if $bookmark =~ m|^file://| && ! length $label;
    ## for any other urls, take the whole url
    $label = $bookmark unless length $label;

    # replace some special characters by their html codes
    fix_html $bookmark;
    fix_html $label;
    # replace the underscore with a double underscore in the label to
    # prevent openbox from interpreting it as a keyboard accelerator
    $label =~ s/_/__/g;
    # escape special characters in bash
    $bookmark =~ s/(\ |'|`|!|\^|&amp|\*|\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|&#..)/\\$1/g;

    # print menu/item for directories/files and items for any other urls
    if ( $bookmark =~ s|^file://|| && ( -d $bookmark || -l $bookmark ) ) {
      menu $bookmark, $label, $bookmark;
    } else {
      item $label, $bookmark;
  say "<separator />";
  close GTK_BKM;

# print a menu for directory
sub menu {
  my $id = shift;
  my $label = shift;
  my $dir = shift;
  say "<menu id=\"$id\" label=\"$label\" execute=\"$path $dir\" />";

# print an item
sub item {
  my $label = shift;
  my $file = shift;
  say "  <item label=\"$label\">";
  say "    <action name=\"Execute\">";
  say "      <execute>";
  say "        xdg-open $file";
  say "      </execute>";
  say "    </action>";
  say "  </item>";

sub fix_html (\$) {
  my $ref = shift;
  $$ref =~ s/&/&/g;
  $$ref =~ s/"/"/g;
  $$ref =~ s/\$/$/g;
  $$ref =~ s/</</g;
  $$ref =~ s/=/=/g;
  $$ref =~ s/>/>/g;
  $$ref =~ s/\\/\/g;