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OpenBox Application (pipe)Menu.

paste this into a file called and add it to your menu.xml

# OpenBox Applications (Pipe)Menu (C) Biffidus 2008
# (only kidding, it's not copyrighted. Do whatever you like with it)
# This pipe menu creates an application menu from the .desktop files
# found in many linux distributions. The desktop file must be of type
# Application and specify their Categories.
# One or more paths to search may be provided on the command line or
# specified below. The menu structure is derived from the Categories
# attribute and may be customised below with the following keywords:
# hide:     menu will not be displayed
# collapse: the submenus will be used instead
# Any item starting with X- is automatically hidden

my $APPSDIR = "/usr/share/applications/ /usr/kde/3.5/share/applications/kde/ ~/.
gnome/apps/ ~/.kde/share/apps";

my %CFG =
      "Application" => "collapse",
      "GTK"         => "collapse",
      "KDE"         => "collapse",
      "Qt"          => "collapse",


# Hash of hashes
# $Hash{x}->{y} = z
# $Hash{x}{y}

my %menu; # application details

# Hash of arrays
# $Hash{$key} = \@Array
# @Array = @{$Hash{$key}}

my %cat;  # apps in each category (hashed lists)

################################################### Search for Applications ###

if ($#ARGV != -1) { $APPSDIR = join(" ", @ARGV); }

print STDERR "Searching $APPSDIR\n";

open (APPS, "find ".$APPSDIR." -name '*.desktop' |") || do
    print qq|<openbox_pipe_menu><item label="Error!" /></openbox_pipe_menu>\n|;
    die "could not open $APPSDIR";
close APPS;

######################################################## Parse Applications ###

print STDERR "\n### Scanning applications ###\n";

foreach $entry (@FILES)
    if (open(DE,$entry) && $entry =~ s|^.*/(.*?)\.desktop|$1|)
        while (<DE>)
            if (/^(\w+)=([^%]+)/)
                # populate application details
                $menu{$entry}->{$1} = $2;

                # determine category
                if ($1 eq "Categories")
                    print STDERR $2 . $entry;
                    my @tmp = split(/;/,$2);

                    while ($CFG{$tmp[0]} eq "collapse")
                        shift @tmp;
                    if ($CFG{$tmp[0]} ne "hide" && $tmp[0] !~ /^X-/)
                        push @{$cat{$tmp[0]}},$entry;

############################################################# Generate Menu ###

print STDERR "\n### Generating menu ###\n";

print "<openbox_pipe_menu>\n";

foreach $key (sort keys %cat)
    print qq| <menu id="obam-$key" label="$key">\n|;

    foreach $app (sort @{$cat{$key}})
        if ($menu{$app}{Type} eq "Application")
            my $Name = $menu{$app}{Name};
            my $Exec = $menu{$app}{Exec};
            print qq|  <item label="$Name"><action name="Execute"><execute>$Exec</execute></action></item>\n|;
    print " </menu>";
print "</openbox_pipe_menu>\n";

print STDERR "Done\n";
