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OpenBox Reboot (pipe)Menu.

  • setup your grub bootmenu with "default saved" (see info grub for more information)
  • make sure you can run the reboot and grub-set-default commands.
  • paste this into a file called and add it as a pipemenu to your menu.xml
  • You can now reboot to the boot-option of your choice with a pipe menu!
# OpenBox Reboot Menu (C) Biffidus 2008
# (only kidding, it's not copyrighted. Do whatever you like with it)
# This pipe menu creates a menu allowing the user to select a grub
# menu item to reboot to. In order for it to work:
# 1. The user must be able to run the commands reboot and grub-set-default
# 2. Grub must be configured to with the "default saved" directive.

$REBOOT_CMD="/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/reboot";
$SELECT_CMD="/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/grub-set-default";

######################################################### Parse Grub Config ###

my @entries;

open (GRUB, $GRUB_CONFIG) || do
    print qq|<openbox_pipe_menu><item label="Error!" /></openbox_pipe_menu>\n|;
    die "could not open $GRUB_CONFIG";
while (<GRUB>)
    if (/^\s*title\s+(.*)/)
        push @entries, $1;
close GRUB;

############################################################# Generate Menu ###

print "<openbox_pipe_menu>\n";

foreach ($i = 0; $i < $#entries; $i++)
    my $entry = $entries[$i];
    print qq| <item label="$entry">
  <action name="Execute">
    $SELECT_CMD $i
  <action name="Execute">
print "</openbox_pipe_menu>\n";
