Slackware 15.0 x86_64, Openbox 3.6.1, Conky-1.19.0, Tint2-17.0.2, Picom Compositor, and Papirus icons. |
Slackware 14.0 x86, OpenBox 3.5.0, Conky 1.9.0, Tint2 SVN, and AwOken icons |
Gentoo + OpenBox, pypanel, conky, gvim, gnome-terminal, gtk: stardust, icons: simplygrey, wp: stormtrooper. +info in image description. |
slackware 14.0 x86_64-multilib, openbox 3.5.0, conky 1.9.0 (2 instances) w/ teamspeak status & horizontal calendar, gkrellm, pidgin w/ facebook-chat plugin (transparent), nitrogen, rxvt-unicode, irssi ##slackware! (happy 20th!). by slackmagic |
slackware 14.0 x86_64-multilib, openbox 3.5.0, conky 1.9.0 (2 instances) w/ teamspeak status & horizontal calendar, gkrellm, pidgin w/ facebook-chat plugin (transparent), nitrogen, rxvt-unicode, irssi ##slackware! (happy 20th!). by slackmagic |
Openbox on Ubuntu 8.10, Carbon Openbox Theme, Dust gtk theme. |
Openbox; Ubuntu Hardy 8.04.1 CLI, pypanel, xfce4-terminal, swiftfox. Airborne Theme; by weboide |
Linguas OS 1.3 with Openbox: lxpanel, tickle text (editing rc.xml), tclscreen |
Openbox 3.4.7; Backround from electricviolett.deviantart.com; showing epicview, Gimp, PacmanFM, vlc, urxvt, mcabber, conky, moc; by muunleit |
Screenshot of my Ubuntu Hardy running on AMD64 3000+ with Openbox, Trayer, Conky, Audacious and Simdock. by Mendax |
Screenshot of my nc6120 notebook running Gentoo Linux, at 10 Februari 2008, showing pidgin, urxvt, gmpc and conky on Openbox with the Dyne theme (slightly modified) and engine. By laen |
Debian Lenny - Openbox3 with Squadron theme and Phlat-Boogie GTK theme - Stalonetray - Fbpanel (pager and clock + Pimlico Dates) - The Launcher in tray - Alltray docking Pcmanfm |
Crunchbang (Ubuntu with openbox) screenshot with the programs thunar and gnome-terminal (rtorrent, snownews, moc-player). Conky and tint was also visible. GTK-theme: MurrinaDuoClean; ob-theme: dyne; gtk-icon-theme: ShiningBlack |
OpenBox with fbpanel and idesk, on ArchLinux. Discovery Kids Wallpaper, Gartoon Icons, TSCu_Comic font, Thunar and Terminal |
Openbox on Gnome, with a personal theme. By postlogic |
ObConf showing off the ubuntustudio theme. By OgMaciel |
Openbox with Gnome and dropshadows. By smoon |
Openbox with a custom theme. By borosai |
Openbox with bear2 theme. By nightm4re |
Openbox with Totem, Dates, Tasks, Drivel, PyPanel and UbuntuStudio theme. By OgMaciel |
KDE/Openbox with the new Onyx themes in 3.4.1. By Dana |
Openbox with sodio theme. By crimeboy |
Openbox with absE theme. By crimeboy |
Openbox with zenyellow theme. By crimeboy |
Openbox on OpenBSD. fbpanel, wmcpuload, wmmemload, wmdiskmon, urxvt, irssi, mplayer. By sysrq. |
Openbox on Arch Linux using the Onyx Citrus theme, showing off the RSS pipe menu. By Borromini. |
Openbox 3.4 on Zenwalk Linux using m0nst4-sky theme, with conky in bottom corner. By Bonzodog |
Openbox on Gnome, Archlinux, using rezza Gillouche theme. By z3ppelin. |
Openbox with gnome-panel, obpanel, thunderbird, firefox, gvim, urxvt. Running on ubuntu. By sysrq. |
Minimalistic plain Openbox with conky and docker, with the Simple theme. By Roberth |
Openbox 3.4.2, urxvt, irssi. conky, minipager. By changs |
OB 3.4.2/Ubuntu FF conky, docker, tilda, ephiphany with transparency and drop shadows in Cukoo Spit. By Donnie |
OB 3.4.4/Ubuntu, pypanel, gnome-terminal, irssi and the openbruise theme and wallpaper. by mrnorms |
Openbox on FreeBSD using ipager, pypanel, conky, beep-media-player, bmp-rootvis with a simple theme and wallpaper. by Olivier |
OB 3.4.2 with urxvt, conky, vlc and psi. True transparency (xcompmgr) enabled. Theme is ldc. |
debian lenny/sid: openbox 3.4.2 (theme: flx3) + perlpanel + rxvt |
Arch linux with OpenBox 3.4.4 with conky, running the beep-media-player. |
Gentoo Linux with OpenBox: rxvt (terminal), xcompmgr (windowshadow), audacious (mediaplayer), tint2 (panel) |
Slackware 12.1 with Openbox: pypanel, conky, netwmpager |
Linguas OS with Openbox: tickle text, sakura terminal |
Openbox on Debian. Urxvt, conky, patched pypanel, gvolwheel, background with nitrogen ... More about to come ! |
Crunchbang linux 9.04, lxpanel, conky, pcmanfm "Elegant for rent" gtk and openbox theme, "Monolit" icon theme, distro wallpaper |
Openbox on Debian with tint2 and Surreal theme. |
Debian gnu/linux, stable, lenny. roxterm, tcltext, openbox, conky, Xpostulate. no panels, no fluff. |
Debian 7 Wheezy, Openbox 3.5.0, terminator, vim, fbpanel |
Openbox / Archlinux on my eee pc 901. feh, tint2 panel, conky, roxterm, pcmanfm, mplayer, wicd. |
openbox 3.4, debian 6.0 squeeze, roxterm, conky |
Linguas OS 1.3 with Openbox: lxpanel, tickle text (editing rc.xml), tclscreen, xmms |
openbox on CTKArch, Arch Linux LiveCD, PCManFM, URXVT terminal. |
Debian gnu/linux, stable, lenny. roxterm, Xpostulate, openbox, conky. no panels, no fluff. baldwinsoftware.com fishy wallpaper. |
Ubuntu 10.04 ,lxterminal, audacious-pipmenu (written by myself),conky-colors,conky-lua(clock), tint2 |
OpenBSD 5.0(amd64) with Openbox 3.4.1, conky, tint2, nitrogen, urvxt |
FreeBSD 8.2-Stable(amd64) with Openbox 3.5, xcompmgr/gcompmgr, conky, tint2, nitrogen, urxvt |
Debian 9.3, Openbox 3.6.1, tint2, compton |