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Slackware 15.0 x86_64, Openbox 3.6.1, Conky-1.19.0, Tint2-17.0.2, Picom Compositor, and Papirus icons.
Slackware 14.0 x86, OpenBox 3.5.0, Conky 1.9.0, Tint2 SVN, and AwOken icons
Gentoo + OpenBox, pypanel, conky, gvim, gnome-terminal, gtk: stardust, icons: simplygrey, wp: stormtrooper. +info in image description.
slackware 14.0 x86_64-multilib, openbox 3.5.0, conky 1.9.0 (2 instances) w/ teamspeak status & horizontal calendar, gkrellm, pidgin w/ facebook-chat plugin (transparent), nitrogen, rxvt-unicode, irssi ##slackware! (happy 20th!). by slackmagic
slackware 14.0 x86_64-multilib, openbox 3.5.0, conky 1.9.0 (2 instances) w/ teamspeak status & horizontal calendar, gkrellm, pidgin w/ facebook-chat plugin (transparent), nitrogen, rxvt-unicode, irssi ##slackware! (happy 20th!). by slackmagic
Openbox on Ubuntu 8.10, Carbon Openbox Theme, Dust gtk theme.
Openbox; Ubuntu Hardy 8.04.1 CLI, pypanel, xfce4-terminal, swiftfox. Airborne Theme; by weboide
Linguas OS 1.3 with Openbox: lxpanel, tickle text (editing rc.xml), tclscreen
Openbox 3.4.7; Backround from; showing epicview, Gimp, PacmanFM, vlc, urxvt, mcabber, conky, moc; by muunleit
Screenshot of my Ubuntu Hardy running on AMD64 3000+ with Openbox, Trayer, Conky, Audacious and Simdock. by Mendax
Screenshot of my nc6120 notebook running Gentoo Linux, at 10 Februari 2008, showing pidgin, urxvt, gmpc and conky on Openbox with the Dyne theme (slightly modified) and engine. By laen
Debian Lenny - Openbox3 with Squadron theme and Phlat-Boogie GTK theme - Stalonetray - Fbpanel (pager and clock + Pimlico Dates) - The Launcher in tray - Alltray docking Pcmanfm
Crunchbang (Ubuntu with openbox) screenshot with the programs thunar and gnome-terminal (rtorrent, snownews, moc-player). Conky and tint was also visible. GTK-theme: MurrinaDuoClean; ob-theme: dyne; gtk-icon-theme: ShiningBlack
OpenBox with fbpanel and idesk, on ArchLinux. Discovery Kids Wallpaper, Gartoon Icons, TSCu_Comic font, Thunar and Terminal
Openbox on Gnome, with a personal theme. By postlogic
ObConf showing off the ubuntustudio theme. By OgMaciel
Openbox with Gnome and dropshadows. By smoon
Openbox with a custom theme. By borosai
Openbox with bear2 theme. By nightm4re
Openbox with Totem, Dates, Tasks, Drivel, PyPanel and UbuntuStudio theme. By OgMaciel
KDE/Openbox with the new Onyx themes in 3.4.1. By Dana
Openbox with sodio theme. By crimeboy
Openbox with absE theme. By crimeboy
Openbox with zenyellow theme. By crimeboy
Openbox on OpenBSD. fbpanel, wmcpuload, wmmemload, wmdiskmon, urxvt, irssi, mplayer. By sysrq.
Openbox on Arch Linux using the Onyx Citrus theme, showing off the RSS pipe menu. By Borromini.
Openbox 3.4 on Zenwalk Linux using m0nst4-sky theme, with conky in bottom corner. By Bonzodog
Openbox on Gnome, Archlinux, using rezza Gillouche theme. By z3ppelin.
Openbox with gnome-panel, obpanel, thunderbird, firefox, gvim, urxvt. Running on ubuntu. By sysrq.
Minimalistic plain Openbox with conky and docker, with the Simple theme. By Roberth
Openbox 3.4.2, urxvt, irssi. conky, minipager. By changs
OB 3.4.2/Ubuntu FF conky, docker, tilda, ephiphany with transparency and drop shadows in Cukoo Spit. By Donnie
OB 3.4.4/Ubuntu, pypanel, gnome-terminal, irssi and the openbruise theme and wallpaper. by mrnorms
Openbox on FreeBSD using ipager, pypanel, conky, beep-media-player, bmp-rootvis with a simple theme and wallpaper. by Olivier
OB 3.4.2 with urxvt, conky, vlc and psi. True transparency (xcompmgr) enabled. Theme is ldc.
debian lenny/sid: openbox 3.4.2 (theme: flx3) + perlpanel + rxvt
Arch linux with OpenBox 3.4.4 with conky, running the beep-media-player.
Gentoo Linux with OpenBox: rxvt (terminal), xcompmgr (windowshadow), audacious (mediaplayer), tint2 (panel)
Slackware 12.1 with Openbox: pypanel, conky, netwmpager
Linguas OS with Openbox: tickle text, sakura terminal
Openbox on Debian. Urxvt, conky, patched pypanel, gvolwheel, background with nitrogen ... More about to come !
Crunchbang linux 9.04, lxpanel, conky, pcmanfm "Elegant for rent" gtk and openbox theme, "Monolit" icon theme, distro wallpaper
Openbox on Debian with tint2 and Surreal theme.
Debian gnu/linux, stable, lenny. roxterm, tcltext, openbox, conky, Xpostulate. no panels, no fluff.
Debian 7 Wheezy, Openbox 3.5.0, terminator, vim, fbpanel
Openbox / Archlinux on my eee pc 901. feh, tint2 panel, conky, roxterm, pcmanfm, mplayer, wicd.
openbox 3.4, debian 6.0 squeeze, roxterm, conky
Linguas OS 1.3 with Openbox: lxpanel, tickle text (editing rc.xml), tclscreen, xmms
openbox on CTKArch, Arch Linux LiveCD, PCManFM, URXVT terminal.
Debian gnu/linux, stable, lenny. roxterm, Xpostulate, openbox, conky. no panels, no fluff. fishy wallpaper.
Ubuntu 10.04 ,lxterminal, audacious-pipmenu (written by myself),conky-colors,conky-lua(clock), tint2
OpenBSD 5.0(amd64) with Openbox 3.4.1, conky, tint2, nitrogen, urvxt
FreeBSD 8.2-Stable(amd64) with Openbox 3.5, xcompmgr/gcompmgr, conky, tint2, nitrogen, urxvt
Debian 9.3, Openbox 3.6.1, tint2, compton