Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123456789]
 Creating & manipulating clients
 The non-callback API
 Setting Client Callbacks
 Controlling & querying JACK server operation
 Creating & manipulating ports
 Managing and determining latencyThe purpose of JACK's latency API is to allow clients to easily answer two questions:
 Looking up ports
 Handling timeJACK time is in units of 'frames', according to the current sample rate. The absolute value of frame times is meaningless, frame times have meaning only relative to each other
 Controlling error/information output
 Creating and managing client threads
 Transport and Timebase control
 Reading and writing MIDI data
 Session API for clients.
 API for a session manager.
 managing support for newer/older versions of JACKOne challenge faced by developers is that of taking advantage of new features introduced in new versions of [ JACK ] while still supporting older versions of the system. Normally, if an application uses a new feature in a library/API, it is unable to run on earlier versions of the library/API that do not support that feature. Such applications would either fail to launch or crash when an attempt to use the feature was made. This problem cane be solved using weakly-linked symbols
 the API for starting and controlling a JACK server
 Metadata API.