
The volume for the region, in decibels.

Range is -144.6 to 6 in the specification, but many SFZ players can utilize values above 6. Sfz.dll, Rapture and Dimension have a +24 dB maximum, and ARIA has an upper limit of at least +144, perhaps even more.

Examples #



This will play the sample at unchanged volume when CC1 is at 0, and apply a 12 dB boost when CC1 is at maximum.

gain_ccN/volume_onccN is useful for creating volume controls.

In Aria, either gain or volume can be used in modulations; however, gain by itself (for example gain=5) is not valid. For a fixed volume change wihtout modulation, only volume works.

Name Version Type Default Range Unit
volume SFZ v1 float 0 -144 to 6 dB
gain_ccN float 0 -144 to 48 dB
volume_curveccN SFZ v2 integer 0 0 to 255
volume_smoothccN SFZ v2 N/A N/A
volume_stepccN SFZ v2 N/A N/A

Other modulations

  • Envelope: ✓
  • LFO: ✓

See also: Amplifier / Amplitude, Gain, Volume, Cross fade

Category: Performance Parameters, Amplifier