
All opcode versions, including extensions, starting in alphabetical order. Note that modulations such as (on)ccN and vel2* are included in the pages describing the parameters they modulate.
Rows in light pink color represent obsolete opcodes which should not be used in new instruments.

Opcode Description Type Default Range Version
Real-Time Instrument Script scriptAllows to load real-time instrument scripts for SFZ instruments. stringN/A N/ALinuxSampler
Sample Playback countThe number of times the sample will be played. integer0 0 to 4294967296 SFZ v1
Sample Playback delayRegion delay time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Sample Playback delay_ccNRegion delay time after MIDI continuous controller N messages are received. If the region receives a note-off message before delay time, the region won't play. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Sample Playback delay_onccNdelay_ccN alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Sample Playback delay_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate delay. integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Sample Playback delay_randomRegion random delay time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Sample Playback delay_samplesAllows the region playback to be postponed for the specified time, measured in samples (and therefore dependent on current sample rate). integerN/A N/ASFZ v2
Sample Playback delay_samples_onccN integerN/A N/ASFZ v2
Sample Playback endThe endpoint of the sample. If unspecified, the entire sample will play. integerunspecified 0 to 4294967296 sample unitsSFZ v1
Sample Playback loop_countThe number of times a loop will repeat. integerN/A N/ASFZ v2
Sample Playback loopcountloop_count alias. integerN/A N/AARIA
Sample Playback loop_crossfadeLoop cross fade. floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Sample Playback loop_endThe loop end point, in samples. integer0 0 to 4294967296 sample unitsSFZ v1
Sample Playback loopendloop_end alias. integer0 0 to 4294967296 sample unitsSFZ v1
Sample Playback loop_lengthccNChange of loop end point. N/A N/ASFZ v2
Sample Playback loop_length_onccNloop_lengthccN alias. N/A N/ASFZ v2
Sample Playback loop_modeAllows playing samples with loops defined in the unlooped mode. stringno_loop for samples without a loop defined,
loop_continuous for samples with defined loop(s).
no_loop, one_shot, loop_continuous, loop_sustainSFZ v1
Sample Playback loopmodeloop_mode alias. stringno_loop for samples without a loop defined,
loop_continuous for samples with defined loop(s).
no_loop, one_shot, loop_continuous, loop_sustainSFZ v1
Sample Playback loop_startThe loop start point, in samples. integer0 0 to 4294967296 sample unitsSFZ v1
Sample Playback loopstartloop_start alias. integer0 0 to 4294967296 sample unitsSFZ v1
Sample Playback loop_startccNChange of loop start point. N/A N/ASFZ v2
Sample Playback loop_start_onccNloop_startccN alias. N/A N/ASFZ v2
Sample Playback loop_tuneTuning for only the loop segment. float0 N/ASFZ v2
Sample Playback looptuneloop_tune alias. float0 N/AARIA
Sample Playback loop_typeDefines the looping mode. stringforward forward, backward, alternateSFZ v2
Sample Playback looptypeloop_type alias. stringforward forward, backward, alternateARIA
Sample Playback offsetThe offset used to play the sample. integer0 0 to 4294967296 sample unitsSFZ v1
Sample Playback offset_ccNThe offset used to play the sample according to last position of MIDI continuous controller N. integer0 0 to 4294967296 sample unitsSFZ v1
Sample Playback offset_onccNoffset_ccN alias. integer0 0 to 4294967296 sample unitsSFZ v2
Sample Playback offset_randomRandom offset added to the region offset. integer0 0 to 4294967296 sample unitsSFZ v1
Sample Playback offset_modeDefines whether offset is measured in samples or percentage of sample length. stringsamples samples, percentARIA
Sample Playback sampleDefines which sample file the region will play. stringN/A N/ASFZ v1
Sample Playback sample_fadeoutNumber of seconds before the end of sample playback that the player should begin a realtime fadeout. floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Sample Playback sample_dyn_paramN floatN/A N/AARIA
Sample Playback sample_dyn_paramN_onccX floatN/A N/AARIA
Sample Playback sync_beatsRegion playing synchronization to host position. float0 0 to 32 beatsSFZ v1
Sample Playback sync_offsetRegion playing synchronization to host position offset. float0 0 to 32 beatsSFZ v1
Sample Playback delay_beatsDelays the start of the region until a certain amount of musical beats are passed. floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Sample Playback delay_beats_onccN N/A N/AARIA
Sample Playback delay_beats_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate delay_beats. integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Sample Playback delay_beats_randomDelays the start of the region after a random amount of musical beats. floatN/A N/AARIA
Sample Playback stop_beatsStops a region after a certain amount of beats have played. floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Sample Playback directionThe direction in which the sample is to be played. stringforward forward, reverseSFZ v2
Sample Playback md5Calculates the MD5 digital fingerprint hash of a sample file, represented as a sequence of 32 hexadecimal digits. stringnull N/ASFZ v2
Sample Playback reverse_loccNIf MIDI CC N is between reverse_loccN and reverse_hiccN, the region plays reversed. integerN/A 0 to 127 SFZ v2
Sample Playback reverse_hiccNIf MIDI CC N is between reverse_loccN and reverse_hiccN, the region plays reversed. integerN/A 0 to 127 SFZ v2
Sample Playback waveguideEnables waveguide synthesis for the region. stringN/A on, offSFZ v2
Instrument Settings #defineCreates a variable and gives it a value. stringN/A N/ASFZ v2
Instrument Settings default_pathDefault file path. stringN/A N/ASFZ v2
Instrument Settings note_offsetMIDI note transpose; tells the SFZ player to offset all incoming MIDI notes by the specified number of semitones. integer0 -127 to 127 semitonesSFZ v2
Instrument Settings octave_offsetMIDI octave transpose; tells the SFZ player to offset all incoming MIDI notes by the specified number of octaves. integer0 -10 to 10 octavesSFZ v2
Instrument Settings label_ccNCreates a label for the MIDI CC. stringN/A N/AARIA
Instrument Settings label_keyNCreates a label for a key. stringN/A N/Asfizz
Instrument Settings label_outputNCreates a label for the output N. stringN/A N/ACalfbox
Instrument Settings set_ccNSets a default initial value for MIDI CC number N, when the instrument is initially loaded. integerN/A 0 to 127 SFZ v2
Instrument Settings #includeA special directive, which allows using SFZ files as building blocks for creating larger, more complex SFZ files. stringN/A N/AARIA
Instrument Settings hint_*Its a 'hint' to the ARIA engine, others implementations don't have to follow. N/A N/AARIA
Instrument Settings *_modDetermines whether a parameter is modulated by addition or multiplication. stringN/A add, multARIA
Instrument Settings set_hdccNLike set_ccN but with floating point MIDI CCs. floatN/A 0 to 1 ARIA
Instrument Settings set_realccNset_hdccN alias. floatN/A 0 to 1 ARIA
Instrument Settings sw_note_offsetFollows the same logic as SFZ 2.0’s note_offset but for key switches. integerN/A N/AARIA
Instrument Settings sw_octave_offsetFollows the same logic as SFZ 2.0’s octave_offset but for key switches. integerN/A N/AARIA
Instrument Settings global_labelAn ARIA extension which sets what is displayed in the default info tab of Sforzando. stringN/A N/AARIA
Instrument Settings master_labelAn ARIA extension which sets what is displayed in the default info tab of Sforzando. stringN/A N/AARIA
Instrument Settings group_labelAn ARIA extension which sets what is displayed in the default info tab of Sforzando. stringN/A N/AARIA
Instrument Settings region_labelAn ARIA extension which sets what is displayed in the default info tab of Sforzando. stringN/A N/AARIA
Voice Lifecycle groupExclusive group number for this region. integer0 -2147483648 to 2147483647 SFZ v1
Voice Lifecycle polyphony_groupgroup alias. integer0 -2147483648 to 2147483647 ARIA
Voice Lifecycle off_byRegion off group. integer0 -2147483648 to 2147483647 SFZ v1
Voice Lifecycle offbyoff_by alias. integer0 -2147483648 to 2147483647 SFZ v1
Voice Lifecycle off_modeRegion off mode. stringfast fast, normal, timeSFZ v1
Voice Lifecycle outputThe stereo output number for this region. integer0 0 to 1024 SFZ v1
Voice Lifecycle polyphonyPolyphony voice limit. integerN/A N/ASFZ v2
Voice Lifecycle note_polyphonyPolyphony limit for playing the same note repeatedly. integerN/A N/ASFZ v2
Voice Lifecycle polyphony_stealing integerN/A N/AARIA
Voice Lifecycle note_selfmaskControls note-stealing behavior for a single pitch, when using note_polyphony. stringon on, offSFZ v2
Voice Lifecycle rt_deadControls whether a release sample should play if its sustain sample has ended, or not. stringoff on, offSFZ v2
Voice Lifecycle off_curveWhen off_mode is set to time, this specifies the math to be used to fade out the regions being muted by voice-stealing. integer10 -2 to 10 ARIA
Voice Lifecycle off_shapeThe coefficient used by off_curve. float-10.3616 N/AARIA
Voice Lifecycle off_timeWhen off_mode is set to time, this specifies the fadeout time for regions being muted by voice-stealing. float0.006 N/AARIA
Key Mapping keyEquivalent to using lokey, hikey and pitch_keycenter and setting them all to the same note value. integerN/A 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Key Mapping lokeyDetermine the low boundary of a certain region. integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Key Mapping hikeyDetermine the high boundary of a certain region. integer127 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Key Mapping lovelIf a note with velocity value equal to or higher than lovel AND equal to or lower than hivel is played, the region will play. integer1 1 to 127 SFZ v1
Key Mapping hivelIf a note with velocity value equal to or higher than lovel AND equal to or lower than hivel is played, the region will play. integer127 1 to 127 SFZ v1
MIDI Conditions lochanIf incoming notes have a MIDI channel between lochan and hichan, the region will play. integer1 1 to 16 SFZ v1
MIDI Conditions hichanIf incoming notes have a MIDI channel between lochan and hichan, the region will play. integer16 1 to 16 SFZ v1
MIDI Conditions loccNDefines the range of the last MIDI controller N required for the region to play. integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v1
MIDI Conditions hiccNDefines the range of the last MIDI controller N required for the region to play. integer127 0 to 127 SFZ v1
MIDI Conditions lobendDefines the range of the last Pitch Bend message required for the region to play. integer-8192 -8192 to 8192 SFZ v1
MIDI Conditions hibendDefines the range of the last Pitch Bend message required for the region to play. integer8192 -8192 to 8192 SFZ v1
MIDI Conditions sostenuto_ccReassigns the sostenuto pedal CC to a non-standard value. integer66 0 to 127 ARIA
MIDI Conditions sostenuto_loSets the minimum point at which the sostenuto pedal (MIDI CC 66) is considered 'down'. float0.5 0 to 127 ARIA
MIDI Conditions sostenuto_swTurns the sostenuto switch on or off. stringN/A on, offSFZ v2
MIDI Conditions sustain_ccReassigns the sustain pedal CC to a non-standard value. integer64 0 to 127 ARIA
MIDI Conditions sustain_loSets the minimum point at which the sustain pedal (MIDI CC 64) is considered 'down'. float0.5 0 to 127 ARIA
MIDI Conditions sustain_swTurns the sustain switch on or off. stringN/A on, offSFZ v2
MIDI Conditions sw_lokeyDefines the range of the keyboard to be used as trigger selectors for the sw_last opcode. integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v1
MIDI Conditions sw_hikeyDefines the range of the keyboard to be used as trigger selectors for the sw_last opcode. integer127 0 to 127 SFZ v1
MIDI Conditions sw_lastEnables the region to play if the last key pressed in the range specified by sw_lokey and sw_hikey is equal to the sw_last value. integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v1
MIDI Conditions sw_downEnables the region to play if the key equal to sw_down value is depressed. Key has to be in the range specified by sw_lokey and sw_hikey. integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v1
MIDI Conditions sw_upEnables the region to play if the key equal to sw_up value is not depressed. integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v1
MIDI Conditions sw_previousPrevious note value. The region will play if last note-on message was equal to sw_previous value. integerN/A 0 to 127 SFZ v1
MIDI Conditions sw_velAllows overriding the velocity for the region with the velocity of the previous note. stringcurrent current, previousSFZ v1
MIDI Conditions loprogThe region plays when the MIDI program number is between loprog and hiprog. integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v2
MIDI Conditions hiprogThe region plays when the MIDI program number is between loprog and hiprog. integer127 0 to 127 SFZ v2
MIDI Conditions lohdccNLike loccN but with floating point MIDI CCs float0 0 to 1 ARIA
MIDI Conditions hihdccNLike hiccN but with floating point MIDI CCs float1 0 to 1 ARIA
MIDI Conditions sw_defaultDefine keyswitch 'power on default' so that you hear something when a patch loads. integerN/A 0 to 127 SFZ v2
MIDI Conditions sw_labelLabel for activated keyswitch on GUI. stringN/A N/AARIA
MIDI Conditions sw_lolastLike sw_last, but allowing a region to be triggered across a range of keyswitches. integerN/A 0 to 127 ARIA
MIDI Conditions sw_hilastLike sw_last, but allowing a region to be triggered across a range of keyswitches. integerN/A 0 to 127 ARIA
MIDI Conditions varNN_modSpecifies the method used to calculate variable number NN from MIDI CCs. stringN/A mult, addARIA
MIDI Conditions varNN_onccXSpecifies the method used to calculate variable number NN from MIDI CCs. floatN/A 0 to 1 ARIA
MIDI Conditions varNN_curveccXSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC X uses to modulate varNN. integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
MIDI Conditions varNN_*Specifies the target for variable NN to modulate. N/A N/AARIA
Internal Conditions lobpmHost tempo value. float0 0 to 500 bpmSFZ v1
Internal Conditions hibpmHost tempo value. float500 0 to 500 bpmSFZ v1
Internal Conditions lochanaftDefines the range of last Channel Aftertouch message required for the region to play. integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Internal Conditions hichanaftDefines the range of last Channel Aftertouch message required for the region to play. integer127 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Internal Conditions lopolyaftDefines the range of last Polyphonic Aftertouch message required for the region to play. integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Internal Conditions hipolyaftDefines the range of last Polyphonic Aftertouch message required for the region to play. integer127 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Internal Conditions lorandThe region will play if the random number is equal to or higher than lorand, and lower than hirand. float0 0 to 1 SFZ v1
Internal Conditions hirandThe region will play if the random number is equal to or higher than lorand, and lower than hirand. float1 0 to 1 SFZ v1
Internal Conditions seq_lengthSequence length, used together with seq_position to use samples as round robins. integer1 1 to 100 SFZ v1
Internal Conditions seq_positionSequence position. The region will play if the internal sequence counter is equal to seq_position. integer1 1 to 100 SFZ v1
Internal Conditions lotimerRegion plays if the time passed since the last sample in the same group played is between lotimer and hitimer. floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Internal Conditions hitimerRegion plays if timer is between lotimer and hitimer. floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Triggers triggerSets the trigger which will be used for the sample to play. stringattack attack, release, first, legato, release_keySFZ v1
Triggers on_loccNIf a MIDI control message with a value between on_loccN and on_hiccN is received, the region will play. Default value is -1, it means unassigned. integer-1 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Triggers start_loccNon_loccN alias. integer-1 0 to 127 SFZ v2
Triggers on_hiccNIf a MIDI control message with a value between on_loccN and on_hiccN is received, the region will play. Default value is -1, it means unassigned. integer-1 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Triggers start_hiccNon_hiccN alias. integer-1 0 to 127 SFZ v2
Triggers on_lohdccNLike on_loccN but with floating point MIDI CCs. float-1 0 to 1 ARIA
Triggers start_lohdccNon_lohdccN alias. float-1 0 to 1 ARIA
Triggers on_hihdccNLike on_hiccN but with floating point MIDI CCs. float-1 0 to 1 ARIA
Triggers start_hihdccNon_hihdccN alias. float-1 0 to 1 ARIA
Triggers stop_loccNIf a MIDI control message with a value between stop_loccN and stop_hiccN is received, the region will stop playing. Default value is -1, it means unassigned. integer-1 0 to 127 SFZ v2
Triggers stop_hiccNIf a MIDI control message with a value between stop_loccN and stop_hiccN is received, the region will stop playing. Default value is -1, it means unassigned. integer-1 0 to 127 SFZ v2
Triggers stop_lohdccNLike stop_loccN but with floating point MIDI CCs. float-1 0 to 1 ARIA
Triggers stop_hihdccNLike stop_hiccN but with floating point MIDI CCs. float-1 0 to 1 ARIA
Amplifier panThe panoramic position for the region. float0 -100 to 100 %SFZ v1
Amplifier pan_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Amplifier pan_ccNpan_onccN alias. N/A N/AARIA
Amplifier pan_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate pan. integer0 0 to 255 SFZ v2
Amplifier pan_smoothccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Amplifier pan_stepccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Amplifier pan_randomRandom panoramic position for the region. float0 -100 to 100 %ARIA
Amplifier positionOnly operational for stereo samples, position defines the position in the stereo field of a stereo signal, after channel mixing as defined in the width opcode. float0 -100 to 100 %SFZ v1
Amplifier position_onccN N/A N/AARIA
Amplifier position_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate position. integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Amplifier position_smoothccN N/A N/AARIA
Amplifier position_stepccN N/A N/AARIA
Amplifier position_random float0 -100 to 100 %ARIA
Amplifier position_keycenter N/A N/AARIA
Amplifier position_keytrack N/A N/AARIA
Amplifier position_veltrack integer0 -200 to 200 ARIA
Amplifier volumeThe volume for the region, in decibels. float0 -144 to 6 dBSFZ v1
Amplifier gain_ccNGain applied on MIDI control N, in decibels. float0 -144 to 48 dBSFZ v1
Amplifier gain_onccNgain_ccN alias. float0 -144 to 48 dBSFZ v2
Amplifier volume_onccNgain_ccN alias. float0 -144 to 48 dBSFZ v2
Amplifier volume_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate volume. integer0 0 to 255 SFZ v2
Amplifier volume_smoothccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Amplifier volume_stepccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Amplifier widthOnly operational for stereo samples, width defines the amount of channel mixing applied to play the sample. float100 -100 to 100 %SFZ v1
Amplifier width_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Amplifier width_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate width. integer0 0 to 255 SFZ v2
Amplifier width_smoothccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Amplifier width_stepccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Amplifier amp_keycenterCenter key for amplifier keyboard tracking. In this key, the amplifier keyboard tracking will have no effect. integer60 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Amplifier amp_keytrackAmplifier keyboard tracking (change in amplitude per key) in decibels. float0 -96 to 12 dBSFZ v1
Amplifier amp_veltrackAmplifier velocity tracking, represents how much the amplitude changes with incoming note velocity. float100 -100 to 100 %SFZ v1
Amplifier amp_veltrack_onccN N/A N/AARIA
Amplifier amp_veltrack_ccNamp_veltrack_onccN alias. N/A N/AARIA
Amplifier amp_veltrack_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate amp_veltrack. integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Amplifier amp_veltrack_random N/A N/AARIA
Amplifier amp_velcurve_NUser-defined amplifier velocity curve. floatStandard curve (see amp_veltrack) 0 to 1 SFZ v1
Amplifier amp_randomRandom volume for the region, in decibels. float0 0 to 24 dBSFZ v1
Amplifier gain_randomamp_random alias. float0 0 to 24 dBSFZ v2
Amplifier rt_decayApplies only to regions that triggered through trigger=release. The volume decrease (in decibels) per seconds after the corresponding attack region was triggered. float0 0 to 200 dBSFZ v1
Amplifier rt_decayNApplies only to regions that triggered through trigger=release. The volume decrease (in decibels) per seconds after the corresponding attack region was triggered, for decrease curve segment number N. float0 0 to 200 dBARIA
Amplifier rt_decayN_timeThe duration of release sample volue decrease curve segment number N. floatN/A N/AARIA
Amplifier xf_cccurveMIDI controllers crossfade curve for the region. stringpower gain, powerSFZ v1
Amplifier xf_keycurveKeyboard crossfade curve for the region. stringpower gain, powerSFZ v1
Amplifier xf_velcurveVelocity crossfade curve for the region. stringpower gain, powerSFZ v1
Amplifier xfin_loccNFade in control based on MIDI CC. integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Amplifier xfin_hiccNFade in control based on MIDI CC. integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Amplifier xfout_loccNFade out control based on MIDI CC. integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Amplifier xfout_hiccNFade out control based on MIDI CC. integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Amplifier xfin_lokeyFade in control based on MIDI note (keyboard position). integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Amplifier xfin_hikeyFade in control based on MIDI note (keyboard position). integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Amplifier xfout_lokeyFade out control based on MIDI note number (keyboard position). integer127 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Amplifier xfout_hikeyFade out control based on MIDI note number (keyboard position). integer127 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Amplifier xfin_lovelFade in control based on velocity. integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Amplifier xfin_hivelFade in control based on velocity. integer0 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Amplifier xfout_lovelFade out control, based on velocity. integer127 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Amplifier xfout_hivelFade out control, based on velocity. integer127 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Amplifier phaseIf invert is set, the region is played with inverted phase. stringnormal normal, invertSFZ v2
Amplifier amplitudeAmplitude for the specified region in percentage of full amplitude. float100 0 to 100 %ARIA
Amplifier amplitude_onccN floatN/A -100 to 100 %ARIA
Amplifier amplitude_ccNamplitude_onccN alias. floatN/A -100 to 100 %ARIA
Amplifier amplitude_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate amplitude. integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Amplifier amplitude_smoothccN N/A N/AARIA
Amplifier global_amplitudeARIA extension, like amplitude, but affecting everything when set under the ‹global› header. float100 0 to 100 %ARIA
Amplifier master_amplitudeARIA extension, like amplitude, but affecting everything when set under the ‹master› header. float100 0 to 100 %ARIA
Amplifier group_amplitudeARIA extension, like amplitude, but affecting everything when set under the ‹group› header. float100 0 to 100 %ARIA
Amplifier pan_lawSets the pan law to be used. stringN/A mma, balanceARIA
Amplifier pan_keycenterCenter key for pan keyboard tracking. integer60 0 to 127 SFZ v2
Amplifier pan_keytrackThe amount by which the panning of a note is shifted with each key. float0 -100 to 100 %SFZ v2
Amplifier pan_veltrackThe effect of note velocity on panning. float0 -100 to 100 %SFZ v2
Amplifier global_volumeARIA extension, like volume, but affecting everything when set under the ‹global› header. float0 -144 to 6 dBARIA
Amplifier master_volumeARIA extension, like volume, but affecting everything when set under the ‹master› header. float0 -144 to 6 dBARIA
Amplifier group_volumeARIA extension, like volume, but affecting everything when set under the ‹group› header. float0 -144 to 6 dBARIA
EQ eqN_bwBandwidth of the equalizer band, in octaves. float1 0.001 to 4 octavesSFZ v1
EQ eqN_bwccX float0 -4 to 4 octavesSFZ v1
EQ eqN_bw_onccXeqN_bwccX alias. float0 -4 to 4 octavesSFZ v2
EQ eqN_freqFrequency of the equalizer band, in Hertz. floateq1_freq=50
0 to 30000 HzSFZ v1
EQ eqN_freqccX float0 -30000 to 30000 HzSFZ v1
EQ eqN_freq_onccXeqN_freqccX alias. float0 -30000 to 30000 HzSFZ v2
EQ eqN_vel2freqFrequency change of the equalizer band with MIDI velocity, in Hertz. float0 -30000 to 30000 HzSFZ v1
EQ eqN_gainGain of the equalizer band, in decibels. float0 -96 to 24 dBSFZ v1
EQ eqN_gainccX float0 -96 to 24 dBSFZ v1
EQ eqN_gain_onccXeqN_gainccX alias. float0 -96 to 24 dBSFZ v2
EQ eqN_vel2gainGain change of the equalizer band with MIDI velocity, in decibels. float0 -96 to 24 dBSFZ v1
EQ eqN_dynamicSpecifies when EQ is recalculated. integer0 0 to 1 ARIA
EQ eqN_typeSets the type of EQ filter. stringpeak peak, lshelf, hshelfSFZ v2
Filter cutoffSets the cutoff frequency (Hz) of the filters. floatfilter disabled 0 to SampleRate / 2 HzSFZ v1
Filter cutoff2cutoff alias. floatfilter disabled 0 to SampleRate / 2 HzSFZ v2
Filter cutoff2_ccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Filter cutoff2_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Filter cutoff2_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate cutoff2. integer0 0 to 255 SFZ v2
Filter cutoff2_smoothccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Filter cutoff2_stepccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Filter cutoff2_chanaft N/A N/ASFZ v2
Filter cutoff2_polyaft N/A N/ASFZ v2
Filter cutoff_ccNThe variation in the cutoff frequency when MIDI continuous controller N is received. integer0 -9600 to 9600 centsSFZ v1
Filter cutoff_onccNcutoff_ccN alias. integer0 -9600 to 9600 centsSFZ v2
Filter cutoff_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate cutoff. integer0 0 to 255 SFZ v2
Filter cutoff_smoothccN float0 0 to msSFZ v2
Filter cutoff_stepccN integer0 0 to SFZ v2
Filter cutoff_chanaftThe variation in the cutoff frequency when MIDI channel aftertouch messages are received, in cents. integer0 -9600 to 9600 centsSFZ v1
Filter cutoff_polyaftThe variation in the cutoff frequency when MIDI polyphonic aftertouch messages are received, in cents. integer0 -9600 to 9600 centsSFZ v1
Filter fil_gainGain for lsh, hsh and peq filter types. float0 N/AARIA
Filter fil2_gainfil_gain alias. float0 N/AARIA
Filter fil2_gain_onccN N/A N/AARIA
Filter fil_gain_onccN N/A N/AARIA
Filter fil_keycenterCenter key for filter keyboard tracking. integer60 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Filter fil2_keycenterfil_keycenter alias. integer60 0 to 127 SFZ v2
Filter fil_keytrackFilter keyboard tracking (change on cutoff for each key) in cents. integer0 0 to 1200 centsSFZ v1
Filter fil2_keytrackfil_keytrack alias. integer0 0 to 1200 centsSFZ v2
Filter fil_randomRandom value added to the filter cutoff for the region, in cents. integer0 0 to 9600 centsSFZ v1
Filter cutoff_randomfil_random alias. integer0 0 to 9600 centsSFZ v2
Filter cutoff2_randomfil_random alias. integer0 0 to 9600 centsARIA
Filter fil_typeFilter type. stringlpf_2p lpf_1p, hpf_1p, lpf_2p, hpf_2p, bpf_2p, brf_2p, bpf_1p, brf_1p, apf_1p, lpf_2p_sv, hpf_2p_sv, bpf_2p_sv, brf_2p_sv, pkf_2p, lpf_4p, hpf_4p, lpf_6p, hpf_6p, comb, pink, lsh, hsh, peqSFZ v1
Filter filtypefil_type alias. stringlpf_2p lpf_1p, hpf_1p, lpf_2p, hpf_2p, bpf_2p, brf_2p, bpf_1p, brf_1p, apf_1p, lpf_2p_sv, hpf_2p_sv, bpf_2p_sv, brf_2p_sv, pkf_2p, lpf_4p, hpf_4p, lpf_6p, hpf_6p, comb, pink, lsh, hsh, peqSFZ v1
Filter fil2_typefil_type alias. stringlpf_2p lpf_1p, hpf_1p, lpf_2p, hpf_2p, bpf_2p, brf_2p, bpf_1p, brf_1p, apf_1p, lpf_2p_sv, hpf_2p_sv, bpf_2p_sv, brf_2p_sv, pkf_2p, lpf_4p, hpf_4p, lpf_6p, hpf_6p, comb, pink, lsh, hsh, peqSFZ v2
Filter fil_veltrackFilter velocity tracking, the amount by which the cutoff changes with incoming note velocity, in cents. integer0 -9600 to 9600 centsSFZ v1
Filter fil2_veltrackfil_veltrack alias. integer0 -9600 to 9600 centsSFZ v2
Filter resonanceThe filter cutoff resonance value, in decibels. float0 0 to 40 dBSFZ v1
Filter resonance2resonance alias. float0 0 to 40 dBSFZ v2
Filter resonance2_onccN float0 -40 to 40 dBSFZ v2
Filter resonance2_ccNresonance2_onccN alias. float0 -40 to 40 dBSFZ v2
Filter resonance2_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate resonance2. integer0 0 to 255 SFZ v2
Filter resonance2_smoothccN float0 0 to msSFZ v2
Filter resonance2_stepccN integer0 0 to SFZ v2
Filter resonance_onccN float0 -40 to 40 dBSFZ v2
Filter resonance_ccNresonance_onccN alias. float0 -40 to 40 dBSFZ v2
Filter resonance_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate resonance. integer0 0 to 255 SFZ v2
Filter resonance_smoothccN float0 0 to msSFZ v2
Filter resonance_stepccN integer0 0 to SFZ v2
Filter resonance_randomFilter cutoff resonance random value, in decibels. float0 0 to 40 dBARIA
Filter resonance2_randomFilter#2 cutoff resonance random value, in decibels. float0 0 to 40 dBARIA
Filter noise_filter stringN/A on, off, lpf_1p, hpf_1p, bpf_1p, brf_1p, apf_1p, lpf_2p, hpf_2p, bpf_2p, brf_2p, pkf_2p, lpf_4p, hpf_4p, lpf_6p, hpf_6p, comb, pinkSFZ v2
Filter noise_stereo stringN/A on, offSFZ v2
Filter noise_level floatN/A -96 to 24 dBSFZ v2
Filter noise_level_onccN floatN/A -96 to 24 dBSFZ v2
Filter noise_level_smoothccN float0 0 to msSFZ v2
Filter noise_step integerN/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Filter noise_step_onccN integerN/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Filter noise_tone integerN/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Filter noise_tone_onccN integerN/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Pitch bend_upPitch bend range when Bend Wheel or Joystick is moved up, in cents. integer200 -9600 to 9600 centsSFZ v1
Pitch bendupbend_up alias. integer200 -9600 to 9600 centsSFZ v1
Pitch bend_downPitch bend range when Bend Wheel or Joystick is moved down, in cents. integer-200 -9600 to 9600 centsSFZ v1
Pitch benddownbend_down alias. integer-200 -9600 to 9600 centsSFZ v1
Pitch bend_smoothPitch bend smoothness. Adds “inertia” to pitch bends, so fast movements of the pitch bend wheel will have a delayed effect on the pitch change. float0 0 to msSFZ v2
Pitch bend_stepPitch bend step, in cents. integer1 1 to 1200 centsSFZ v1
Pitch bendstepbend_step alias. integer1 1 to 1200 centsSFZ v1
Pitch tuneThe fine tuning for the sample, in cents. integer0 -100 to 100 centsSFZ v1
Pitch pitchtune alias. integer0 -100 to 100 centsARIA
Pitch pitch_onccN N/A -9600 to 9600 centsSFZ v2
Pitch tune_ccNpitch_onccN alias. N/A -9600 to 9600 centsARIA
Pitch tune_onccNpitch_onccN alias. N/A -9600 to 9600 centsARIA
Pitch pitch_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate pitch. integer0 0 to 255 SFZ v2
Pitch tune_curveccNpitch_curveccN alias. integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Pitch pitch_smoothccN float0 0 to msSFZ v2
Pitch tune_smoothccNpitch_smoothccN alias. float0 0 to msARIA
Pitch pitch_stepccN 0 0 to SFZ v2
Pitch tune_stepccNpitch_stepccN alias. 0 0 to ARIA
Pitch group_tuneARIA extension, like tune, but affecting everything when set under the ‹group› header. integer0 -9600 to 9600 centsARIA
Pitch master_tuneARIA extension, like tune, but affecting everything when set under the ‹master› header. integer0 -9600 to 9600 centsARIA
Pitch global_tuneARIA extension, like tune, but affecting everything when set under the ‹global› header. integer0 -9600 to 9600 centsARIA
Pitch pitch_keycenterRoot key for the sample. integer60 0 to 127 SFZ v1
Pitch pitch_keytrackWithin the region, this value defines how much the pitch changes with every note. integer100 -1200 to 1200 centsSFZ v1
Pitch tune_keytrackpitch_keytrack alias. integer100 -1200 to 1200 centsARIA
Pitch pitch_randomRandom tuning for the region, in cents. integer0 0 to 9600 centsSFZ v1
Pitch tune_randompitch_random alias. integer0 0 to 9600 centsARIA
Pitch pitch_veltrackPitch velocity tracking, represents how much the pitch changes with incoming note velocity, in cents. integer0 -9600 to 9600 centsSFZ v1
Pitch tune_veltrackpitch_veltrack alias. integer0 -9600 to 9600 centsARIA
Pitch transposeThe transposition value for this region which will be applied to the sample. integer0 -127 to 127 SFZ v1
Pitch bend_stepupPitch bend step, in cents, applied to upwards bends only. integer1 1 to 1200 centsSFZ v2
Pitch bend_stepdownPitch bend step, in cents, for downward pitch bends. integer1 1 to 1200 centsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_attackEG attack time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators amp_attackampeg_attack alias. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_attackccN float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators ampeg_attack_onccNampeg_attackccN alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_attack_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators ampeg_vel2attackVelocity effect on EG attack time. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators amp_vel2attackampeg_vel2attack alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_decayEG decay time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators amp_decayampeg_decay alias. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_decayccN float0 -100 to 100 SFZ v1
Envelope Generators ampeg_decay_onccNampeg_decayccN alias. float0 -100 to 100 SFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_decay_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate ampeg_decay. integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators ampeg_vel2decayVelocity effect on EG decay time. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators amp_vel2decayampeg_vel2decay alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_delayEG delay time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators amp_delayampeg_delay alias. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_delayccN float0 -100 to 100 SFZ v1
Envelope Generators ampeg_delay_onccNampeg_delayccN alias. float0 -100 to 100 SFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_delay_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators ampeg_vel2delayVelocity effect on EG delay time. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators amp_vel2delayampeg_vel2delay alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_holdEG hold time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators amp_holdampeg_hold alias. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_holdccN float0 -100 to 100 SFZ v1
Envelope Generators ampeg_hold_onccNampeg_holdccN alias. float0 -100 to 100 SFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_hold_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate ampeg_hold. integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators ampeg_vel2holdVelocity effect on EG hold time. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators amp_vel2holdampeg_vel2hold alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_releaseEG release time (after note release). float0.001 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators amp_releaseampeg_release alias. float0.001 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_releaseccN float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators ampeg_release_onccNampeg_releaseccN alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_release_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators ampeg_vel2releaseVelocity effect on EG release time. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators amp_vel2releaseampeg_vel2release alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_sustainEG sustain level, in percentage. float100 0 to 100 %SFZ v1
Envelope Generators amp_sustainampeg_sustain alias. float100 0 to 100 %SFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_sustainccN float0 -100 to 100 %SFZ v1
Envelope Generators ampeg_sustain_onccNampeg_sustainccN alias. float0 -100 to 100 %SFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_sustain_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate ampeg_sustain. integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators ampeg_vel2sustainVelocity effect on EG sustain level, in percentage. float0 -100 to 100 %SFZ v1
Envelope Generators amp_vel2sustainampeg_vel2sustain alias. float0 -100 to 100 %SFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_startEnvelope start level, in percentage. float0 0 to 100 %SFZ v1
Envelope Generators ampeg_startccN float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators ampeg_start_onccNampeg_startccN alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators ampeg_start_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators ampeg_attack_shapeSpecifies the curvature of attack stage of the envelope. float0 N/AARIA
Envelope Generators ampeg_decay_shapeSpecifies the curvature of decay stage of the envelope. float-10.3616 N/AARIA
Envelope Generators ampeg_decay_zeroSpecifies how decay time is calculated. integer1 0 to 1 ARIA
Envelope Generators ampeg_dynamicSpecifies when envelope durations are recalculated. integer0 0 to 1 ARIA
Envelope Generators ampeg_release_shapeSpecifies the curvature of release stage of the envelope. float-10.3616 N/AARIA
Envelope Generators ampeg_release_zeroSpecifies how release time is calculated. integer0 0 to 1 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_attack_shapeSpecifies the curvature of attack stage of the envelope. float0 N/AARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_decay_shapeSpecifies the curvature of decay stage of the envelope. float0 N/AARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_decay_zeroSpecifies how decay time is calculated. integer1 0 to 1 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_release_shapeSpecifies the curvature of release stage of the envelope. float0 N/AARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_release_zeroSpecifies how release time is calculated. integer0 0 to 1 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_dynamicSpecifies when envelope durations are recalculated. integer0 0 to 1 ARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_attack_shapeSpecifies the curvature of attack stage of the envelope. float0 N/AARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_decay_shapeSpecifies the curvature of decay stage of the envelope. float0 N/AARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_decay_zeroSpecifies how decay time is calculated. integer1 0 to 1 ARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_release_shapeSpecifies the curvature of release stage of the envelope. float0 N/AARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_release_zeroSpecifies how release time is calculated. integer0 0 to 1 ARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_dynamicSpecifies when envelope durations are recalculated. integer0 0 to 1 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_attackEG attack time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators fil_attackfileg_attack alias. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators fileg_attack_onccN float0 -100 to 100 secondsARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_attackccNfileg_attack_onccN alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_attack_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_vel2attackVelocity effect on EG attack time. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators fil_vel2attackfileg_vel2attack alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators fileg_decayEG decay time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators fil_decayfileg_decay alias. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators fileg_decay_onccN float0 -100 to 100 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_decayccNfileg_decay_onccN alias. float0 -100 to 100 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_decay_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_vel2decayVelocity effect on filter EG decay time. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators fil_vel2decayfileg_vel2decay alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators fileg_delayEG delay time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators fil_delayfileg_delay alias. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators fileg_delay_onccN float0 -100 to 100 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_delayccNfileg_delay_onccN alias. float0 -100 to 100 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_delay_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_vel2delayVelocity effect on filter EG delay time. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators fil_vel2delayfileg_vel2delay alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators fileg_depthEnvelope depth. integer0 -12000 to 12000 centsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators fil_depthfileg_depth alias. integer0 -12000 to 12000 centsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators fileg_depth_onccN integer0 -12000 to 12000 centsARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_depthccNfileg_depth_onccN alias. integer0 -12000 to 12000 centsARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_depth_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_vel2depthVelocity effect on EG depth, in cents for pitch or filter cutoff. integer0 -12000 to 12000 centsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators fil_vel2depthfileg_vel2depth alias. integer0 -12000 to 12000 centsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators fileg_holdEG hold time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators fil_holdfileg_hold alias. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators fileg_hold_onccN float0 -100 to 100 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_holdccNfileg_hold_onccN alias. float0 -100 to 100 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_hold_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_vel2holdVelocity effect on EG hold time. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators fil_vel2holdfileg_vel2hold alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators fileg_releaseEG release time (after note release). float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators fil_releasefileg_release alias. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators fileg_release_onccN float0 -100 to 100 secondsARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_releaseccNfileg_release_onccN alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_release_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_vel2releaseVelocity effect on EG release time. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators fil_vel2releasefileg_vel2release alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators fileg_startEnvelope start level, in percentage. float0 0 to 100 %SFZ v1
Envelope Generators fileg_start_onccN float0 -100 to 100 secondsARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_startccNfileg_start_onccN alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_start_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_sustainEG sustain level, in percentage. float0 0 to 100 %SFZ v1
Envelope Generators fil_sustainfileg_sustain alias. float0 0 to 100 %SFZ v2
Envelope Generators fileg_sustain_onccN float0 -100 to 100 secondsARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_sustainccNfileg_sustain_onccN alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_sustain_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators fileg_vel2sustainVelocity effect on EG sustain level, in percentage. float0 -100 to 100 %SFZ v1
Envelope Generators fil_vel2sustainfileg_vel2sustain alias. float0 -100 to 100 %SFZ v2
Envelope Generators pitcheg_attackEG attack time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators pitch_attackpitcheg_attack alias. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators pitcheg_attack_onccN N/A N/AARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_attack_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_vel2attackVelocity effect on EG attack time. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators pitch_vel2attackpitcheg_vel2attack alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators pitcheg_decayEG decay time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators pitch_decaypitcheg_decay alias. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators pitcheg_decay_onccN float0 -100 to 100 ARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_decay_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_vel2decayVelocity effect on EG decay time. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators pitch_vel2decaypitcheg_vel2decay alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators pitcheg_delayEG delay time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators pitch_delaypitcheg_delay alias. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators pitcheg_delay_onccN float0 -100 to 100 ARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_delay_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_vel2delayVelocity effect on EG delay time. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators pitch_vel2delaypitcheg_vel2delay alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators pitcheg_depthEnvelope depth. integer0 -12000 to 12000 centsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators pitch_depthpitcheg_depth alias. integer0 -12000 to 12000 centsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators pitcheg_depth_onccN integer0 -12000 to 12000 centsARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_depthccNpitcheg_depth_onccN alias. integer0 -12000 to 12000 centsARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_depth_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_vel2depthVelocity effect on EG depth, in cents for pitch or filter cutoff. integer0 -12000 to 12000 centsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators pitch_vel2depthpitcheg_vel2depth alias. integer0 -12000 to 12000 centsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators pitcheg_holdEG hold time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators pitch_holdpitcheg_hold alias. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators pitcheg_hold_onccN float0 -100 to 100 ARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_hold_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_vel2holdVelocity effect on EG hold time. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators pitch_vel2holdpitcheg_vel2hold alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators pitcheg_releaseEG release time (after note release). float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators pitch_releasepitcheg_release alias. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators pitcheg_release_onccN float0 -100 to 100 secondsARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_release_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_vel2releaseVelocity effect on EG release time. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
Envelope Generators pitch_vel2releasepitcheg_vel2release alias. float0 -100 to 100 secondsSFZ v2
Envelope Generators pitcheg_startEnvelope start level, in percentage. float0 0 to 100 %SFZ v1
Envelope Generators pitcheg_start_onccN float0 -100 to 100 secondsARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_start_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_sustainEG sustain level, in percentage. float0 0 to 100 %SFZ v1
Envelope Generators pitch_sustainpitcheg_sustain alias. float0 0 to 100 %SFZ v2
Envelope Generators pitcheg_sustain_onccN float0 -100 to 100 secondsARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_sustain_curveccN integer0 0 to 255 ARIA
Envelope Generators pitcheg_vel2sustainVelocity effect on EG sustain level, in percentage. float0 -100 to 100 %SFZ v1
Envelope Generators pitch_vel2sustainpitcheg_vel2sustain alias. float0 -100 to 100 %SFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_points N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_timeX floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_timeX_onccY floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_levelXSets the envelope level at a specific point in envelope number N. float0 -1 to 1 SFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_levelX_onccY float0 -1 to 1 SFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_ampeg N/A N/AARIA
Envelope Generators egN_dynamicSpecifies when envelope durations are recalculated. integer0 0 to 1 ARIA
Envelope Generators egN_shapeX float0 N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_curveXInstructs the player to use a curve shape defined under a curve header for the specified envelope segment. N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_sustain N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_loop N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_loop_count N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_volume N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_volume_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_amplitude N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_amplitude_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_pan N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_pan_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_width N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_width_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_pan_curve N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_pan_curveccXSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC X uses to modulate egN_pan. integer0 0 to 255 SFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_freq_lfoXAllows egN to shape a change to lfoX's frequency float0 N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_depth_lfoXAllows egN to scale lfoX's effect on its targets float100 N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_depthadd_lfoX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_pitch N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_pitch_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_cutoff N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_cutoff_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_cutoff2 N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_cutoff2_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_resonance N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_resonance_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_resonance2 N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_resonance2_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_eqXfreq N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_eqXfreq_onccY N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_eqXbw N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_eqXbw_onccY N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_eqXgain N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_eqXgain_onccY N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_decim N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_decim_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_bitred N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_bitred_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_rectify N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_rectify_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_ringmod N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_ringmod_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_noiselevel N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_noiselevel_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_noisestep N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_noisestep_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_noisetone N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_noisetone_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_driveshape N/A N/ASFZ v2
Envelope Generators egN_driveshape_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO amplfo_delayThe time before the LFO starts oscillating. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
LFO amplfo_depthLFO depth. float0 -10 to 10 dBSFZ v1
LFO amplfo_depthccN float0 -10 to 10 dBSFZ v1
LFO amplfo_depth_onccNamplfo_depthccN alias. float0 -10 to 10 dBSFZ v2
LFO amplfo_depthchanaftLFO depth when channel aftertouch MIDI messages are received. float0 -10 to 10 dBSFZ v1
LFO amplfo_depthpolyaftLFO depth when polyphonic aftertouch MIDI messages are received. float0 -10 to 10 dBSFZ v1
LFO amplfo_fadeLFO fade-in effect time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
LFO amplfo_freqLFO frequency, in hertz. float0 0 to 20 HzSFZ v1
LFO amplfo_freqccN float0 -200 to 200 HzSFZ v1
LFO amplfo_freqchanaftLFO frequency change when channel aftertouch MIDI messages are received, in Hertz. float0 -200 to 200 HzSFZ v1
LFO amplfo_freqpolyaftLFO frequency change when polyphonic aftertouch MIDI messages are received, in Hertz. float0 -200 to 200 HzSFZ v1
LFO fillfo_delayThe time before the LFO starts oscillating. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
LFO fillfo_depthLFO depth. float0 -1200 to 1200 centsSFZ v1
LFO fillfo_depthccN float0 -1200 to 1200 centsSFZ v1
LFO fillfo_depth_onccNfillfo_depthccN alias. float0 -1200 to 1200 centsSFZ v2
LFO fillfo_depthchanaftLFO depth when channel aftertouch MIDI messages are received. float0 -1200 to 1200 centsSFZ v1
LFO fillfo_depthpolyaftLFO depth when polyphonic aftertouch MIDI messages are received. float0 -1200 to 1200 centsSFZ v1
LFO fillfo_fadeLFO fade-in effect time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
LFO fillfo_freqLFO frequency, in hertz. float0 0 to 20 HzSFZ v1
LFO fillfo_freqccN float0 -200 to 200 HzSFZ v1
LFO fillfo_freqchanaftLFO frequency change when channel aftertouch MIDI messages are received, in Hertz. float0 -200 to 200 HzSFZ v1
LFO fillfo_freqpolyaftLFO frequency change when polyphonic aftertouch MIDI messages are received, in Hertz. float0 -200 to 200 HzSFZ v1
LFO pitchlfo_delayThe time before the LFO starts oscillating. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
LFO pitchlfo_depthLFO depth. float0 -1200 to 1200 centsSFZ v1
LFO pitchlfo_depthccN float0 -1200 to 1200 centsSFZ v1
LFO pitchlfo_depth_onccNpitchlfo_depthccN alias. float0 -1200 to 1200 centsSFZ v2
LFO pitchlfo_depthchanaftLFO depth when channel aftertouch MIDI messages are received. float0 -1200 to 1200 centsSFZ v1
LFO pitchlfo_depthpolyaftLFO depth when polyphonic aftertouch MIDI messages are received. float0 -1200 to 1200 centsSFZ v1
LFO pitchlfo_fadeLFO fade-in effect time. float0 0 to 100 secondsSFZ v1
LFO pitchlfo_freqLFO frequency, in hertz. float0 0 to 20 HzSFZ v1
LFO pitchlfo_freqccN float0 -200 to 200 HzSFZ v1
LFO pitchlfo_freqchanaftLFO frequency change when channel aftertouch MIDI messages are received, in Hertz. float0 -200 to 200 HzSFZ v1
LFO pitchlfo_freqpolyaftLFO frequency change when polyphonic aftertouch MIDI messages are received, in Hertz. float0 -200 to 200 HzSFZ v1
LFO lfoN_freqThe base frequency of LFO number N, in Hertz. floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_freq_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_freq_smoothccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_freq_stepccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_delayOnset delay for LFO number N. float0 N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_delay_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_fadeFade-in time for LFO number N. floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_fade_onccX floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_phaseInitial phase shift for LFO number N. float0 0 to 1 SFZ v2
LFO lfoN_phase_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_countNumber of LFO repetitions for LFO N before the LFO stops. integerN/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_waveLFO waveform selection. integer1 N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_waveXlfoN_wave alias. integer1 N/AARIA
LFO lfoN_wave_onccX N/A N/AARIA
LFO lfoN_stepsNumber of steps in LFO step sequencer. integerN/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_stepXLevel of the step number X in LFO step sequencer. floatN/A -100 to 100 percentSFZ v2
LFO lfoN_stepX_onccY N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_smooth N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_smooth_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_volume N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_volume_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_volume_smoothccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_volume_stepccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_amplitude N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_amplitude_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_amplitude_smoothccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_amplitude_stepccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_pan N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_pan_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_pan_smoothccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_pan_stepccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_width N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_width_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_width_smoothccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_width_stepccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_freq_lfoX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_freq_lfoX_onccY N/A N/AARIA
LFO lfoN_depth_lfoX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_depthadd_lfoX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_pitch N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_pitch_curveccXSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC X uses to modulate lfoN_pitch. integer0 0 to 255 SFZ v2
LFO lfoN_pitch_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_pitch_smoothccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_pitch_stepccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_cutoff N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_cutoff2lfoN_cutoff alias. N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_cutoff2_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_cutoff2_smoothccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_cutoff2_stepccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_cutoff_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_cutoff_smoothccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_cutoff_stepccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_resonance N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_resonance2lfoN_resonance alias. N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_resonance2_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_resonance2_smoothccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_resonance2_stepccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_resonance_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_resonance_smoothccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_resonance_stepccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_eqXfreq N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_eqXfreq_onccY N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_eqXfreq_smoothccY N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_eqXfreq_stepccY N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_eqXbw N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_eqXbw_onccY N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_eqXbw_smoothccY N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_eqXbw_stepccY N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_eqXgain N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_eqXgain_onccY N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_eqXgain_smoothccY N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_eqXgain_stepccY N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_decim N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_decim_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_decim_smoothccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_decim_stepccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_bitred N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_bitred_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_bitred_smoothccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_bitred_stepccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_noiselevel N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_noiselevel_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_noiselevel_smoothccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_noiselevel_stepccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_noisestep N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_noisestep_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_noisestep_smoothccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_noisestep_stepccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_noisetone N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_noisetone_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_noisetone_smoothccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_noisetone_stepccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_drive N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_drive_onccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_drive_smoothccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_drive_stepccX N/A N/ASFZ v2
LFO lfoN_offsetDC offset - Add to LFO output; not affected by scale. floatN/A N/AARIA
LFO lfoN_offsetXlfoN_offset alias. floatN/A N/AARIA
LFO lfoN_ratioSets the ratio between the specified sub waveform and the main waveform. floatN/A N/AARIA
LFO lfoN_ratioXlfoN_ratio alias. floatN/A N/AARIA
LFO lfoN_scaleSets the scaling between the specified sub waveform and the main waveform. floatN/A N/AARIA
LFO lfoN_scaleXlfoN_scale alias. floatN/A N/AARIA
LFO lfoN_sample_dyn_paramX N/A N/AARIA
LFO lfoN_sample_dyn_paramX_onccY N/A N/AARIA
Curves curve_indexCurve definition ID. integerN/A 0 to 255 ARIA
Curves vNNNDefines a point in a custom curve definition. floatN/A -1 to 1 SFZ v2
Effects apan_depth N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects apan_depth_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects apan_dry N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects apan_dry_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects apan_freq floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects apan_freq_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects apan_phase floatN/A 0 to 180 °SFZ v2
Effects apan_phase_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects apan_waveformLFO wave number. N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects apan_wet N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects apan_wet_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects bitredBit reduction. N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects bitred_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects bitred_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate bitred. integer0 0 to 255 SFZ v2
Effects bitred_smoothccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects bitred_stepccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects busThe target bus for the effect. stringmain main, aux1, aux2, aux3, aux4, aux5, aux6, aux7, aux8, fx1, fx2, fx3, fx4, midiSFZ v2
Effects bypass_onccNSets up a bypass controller for the effect. floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects comp_attack floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects comp_gain N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects comp_ratio N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects comp_release floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects comp_stlink stringN/A on, offSFZ v2
Effects comp_threshold floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects decimDecimator. N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects decim_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects decim_curveccNSpecifies the ‹curve› number which MIDI CC N uses to modulate decim. integer0 0 to 255 SFZ v2
Effects decim_smoothccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects decim_stepccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_cutoff floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_cutoff_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_damphi N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects delay_damphi_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_damplo N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects delay_damplo_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_dry N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects delay_dry_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_feedback N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects delay_feedback_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_filterName of filter type. stringN/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_input N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects delay_input_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_levelc N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects delay_levell N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects delay_levelr N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects delay_lfofreq floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_lfofreq_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_moddepth N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects delay_moddepth_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_mode stringN/A detune, chorus, cross, flanger, lrc, mod, multimod, panning, ping, rlc, stereo, tlcrSFZ v2
Effects delay_panc N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects delay_panc_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_panl N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects delay_panl_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_panr N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects delay_panr_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_resonance N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_resonance_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_spread N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects delay_spread_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_syncc_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_syncl_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_syncr_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_time_tap N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_timec N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_timec_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_timel N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_timel_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_timer N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_timer_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects delay_wet N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects delay_wet_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects directtomainGain of the main bus into the output. float100 0 to 100 %SFZ v2
Effects disto_depth N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects disto_depth_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects disto_dry N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects disto_dry_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects disto_stages N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects disto_tone N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects disto_tone_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects disto_wet N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects disto_wet_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects dsp_orderSignal flow type in Rapture's DSP block. integerN/A 0 to 14 SFZ v2
Effects effect1Level of effect1 send, in percentage (reverb in Cakewalk sfz). float0 0 to 100 %SFZ v1
Effects effect2Level of effect2 send, in percentage (chorus in Cakewalk sfz). float0 0 to 100 %SFZ v1
Effects effect3Gain of the region's send into the 3rd effect bus. float0 0 to 100 %SFZ v2
Effects effect4Gain of the region's send into the 4th effect bus. float0 0 to 100 %SFZ v2
Effects eq_bw N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects eq_bw_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects eq_freq N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects eq_freq_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects eq_gain N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects eq_gain_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects eq_type N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects filter_cutoff N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects filter_cutoff_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects filter_resonance N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects filter_resonance_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects filter_typeName of filter type. stringN/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects fxNtomainGain of the Nth effect bus into the output. float0 0 to 100 %SFZ v2
Effects fxNtomixGain of the Nth effect bus into the Mix node. float0 0 to 100 %SFZ v2
Effects gate_onccNGate manual control. N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects gate_attack N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects gate_release N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects gate_stlink stringN/A on, offSFZ v2
Effects gate_threshold N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects internalCakewalk internal features switch. stringoff on, offSFZ v2
Effects param_offsetAdds a number to the parameter numbers of built-in or vendor-specific effects. integerN/A N/AARIA
Effects phaser_depth N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects phaser_depth_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects phaser_feedback N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects phaser_feedback_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects phaser_freq floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects phaser_freq_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects phaser_phase_onccN N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects phaser_stages N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects phaser_waveformLFO wave number. N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects phaser_wet N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects phaser_wet_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects reverb_damp N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects reverb_damp_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects reverb_dry N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects reverb_dry_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects reverb_input N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects reverb_input_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects reverb_predelay floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects reverb_predelay_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects reverb_size N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects reverb_size_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects reverb_tone N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects reverb_tone_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects reverb_type stringN/A chamber, large_hall, large_room, mid_hall, mid_room, small_hall, small_roomSFZ v2
Effects reverb_wet N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects reverb_wet_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects static_cyclic_level N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects static_cyclic_time floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects static_filterName of filter type. stringN/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects static_level N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects static_level_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects static_random_level N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects static_random_maxtime floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects static_random_mintime floatN/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects static_stereo N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects static_tone N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects strings_numberNumber of synthesized resonant strings. N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects strings_wet_onccN N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects tdfir_dry N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects tdfir_dry_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects tdfir_gain N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects tdfir_impulse N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects tdfir_wet N/A 0 to 100 SFZ v2
Effects tdfir_wet_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Effects typeEffect type or vendor-specific effect name. Varies across SFZ players. stringN/A apan, comp, delay, disto, eq, filter, fverb, gate, limiter, lofi, mverb, phaser, static, strings, tdfir, com.mda.Limiter, com.mda.Overdrive, com.mda.Leslie, com.mda.RingMod, com.mda.Delay, com.mda.Bandisto, com.mda.Ambience, com.mda.DubDelay, com.mda.Detune, com.mda.Dither, com.mda.Combo, com.mda.Degrade, com.mda.SubSynth, com.mda.RezFilterSFZ v2
Effects vendor_specificDefines vendor-specific effects, for example Garritan-specific stage depth effect in ARIA. stringN/A N/AARIA
Loading load_mode integerN/A 0 to 1 SFZ v2
Loading load_start integerN/A N/ASFZ v2
Loading load_end integerN/A N/ASFZ v2
Loading sample_qualitySample playback quality settings. integerN/A 1 to 10 SFZ v2
Loading imageSets the background image of the instrument. stringN/A N/ASFZ v2
Wavetable Oscillator oscillator stringN/A on, offSFZ v2
Wavetable Oscillator oscillator_detune N/A N/ASFZ v2
Wavetable Oscillator oscillator_detune_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Wavetable Oscillator oscillator_modeThe modulation type. integer0 0 to 2 SFZ v2
Wavetable Oscillator oscillator_mod_depth N/A N/ASFZ v2
Wavetable Oscillator oscillator_mod_depth_onccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Wavetable Oscillator oscillator_mod_smoothccN N/A N/ASFZ v2
Wavetable Oscillator oscillator_multiConfigure a region to use more than one oscillator. integer1 1 to 9 SFZ v2
Wavetable Oscillator oscillator_phaseOscillator phase. Negative values for random phase. floatN/A -1 to 360 °SFZ v2
Wavetable Oscillator oscillator_quality integerN/A 0 to 3 SFZ v2
Wavetable Oscillator oscillator_table_size N/A N/ASFZ v2